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The Lovely Folks at Overcast

Alejandro Torres (Artistic Director) is a native San Franciscan, founder of Overcast, and continues to feel lucky to be able to bring theatre to his home city. He is an alumnus of UC Davis where he earned his B.A. in Dramatic Art and Film Studies. He also received training with the Moscow Art Theatre School in 2012 in Cambridge MA.


With the company he has directed The Bald Soprano By Eugene Ionesco, Projected Voyages: A Collage of Dreams, The Bear by Anton Chekhov, and The Garden Party by Vaclav Havel. Alejandro is fond of cinema, walking, modern dance, linguistics, languages, laughter, spirituality, humanity and good food. 



Sarah Mosby (Company Artist) Sarah has been with the company since the beginning.  By day, Sarah serves as house manager at Berkely Rep. She is a self-proclaimed "Jill of all trades" in the theater world...working as a stage manager, lighting designer, master electrician, performer, and director. Sarah has worked with numerous companies throughout the bay area, such as Custom Made Theatre Co., 42nd St. Moon, Bay Area Children's Theatre, Faultline Theater, and Back Alley Theater. 


With the company she stage managed The Bald Soprano by Eugene Ionesco, designed lights and performed in Projected Voyages: A Collage of Dreams, and directed The Proposal by Anton Chekhov.





Connie Carranza (Company Artist) is grateful to be working with The Overcast Theatre. She can usually be seen behind the lightboard, programing cues, helping out with a scene change, or helping in anyway she possibly can. She has the uncanny ability to make sure Alejandro doesn't go insane.  Recently she worked on Into The Woods with Ray Of Light Theatre and is currently working with them on Carrie: The Musical.  


With the company she designed lights for The Bald Soprano by Eugene Ionesco and both The Bear/The Proposal by Anton Chekhov, and assisted stage managed Projected Voyages: A Collage of Dreams.





Sophia Fin (Company Artist) Sophia finds herself continually returning to  The Overcast Theatre. She hails from Toronto, Canada and has enjoyed immersing herself in the San Francisco theatre scene. Since moving to San Francisco she has also worked with Golden Thread Productions. When not doing theatre, Sophia enjoys hiking and biking, and volunteering with nonprofit environmental groups. Sophia is also gifted in creating eclectic set pieces such as gondolas and other gems.


With the company she designed the set for The Bald Soprano by Eugene Ionesco, and Stage Managed Projected Voyages: A Collage of Dreams and both The Bear/The Proposal by Anton Chekhov


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